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Herstory Across the Curriculum

Chapter I: Preparing to Do the Work

Chapter II: Let the Workshop Begin

Chapter III: Stories in Evolution

Chapter IV: The Light on the Opposite Shore

Chapter V: Herstory Across the Curriculum

Chapter VI: Counselors Corner

Herstory Across the Curriculum

Student-Centered Language Arts (ELA)


Learning about literature in a new way, with offshoots into music and art

Chapter V, Part B: Student-Centered Language Arts (ELA)

As students relax into writing their stories and reading the stories by other students that inspire them, there are many opportunities to explore other arts forms.   We invite you to watch our two videos, noting that in the case of this five-day a week International Multicultural Literature elective offered in Spanish and English at Wyandanch High should, it was not until the students had developed their stories that they took them into other art forms.

Here is a video of Drawings from Herstory-Inspired Memoir Moments made by the students in the special elective. As you watch it, imagine how the emotion in drawings made when writing work is underway can deepen both the writing and art-making journeys. These drawings were made after intensive study of language as an expressive mode, so that the two art forms can continue to compliment one another, adding to the mastery of each one.

Here is a rap made by a student participating in the Uniondale Newcomers 2023 Summer Institute, which enchanted his classmates and teachers and inspired all of the other students to go deeper into their own journey stories drawing on the languages of their memories and dreams.


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